Can detoxing be dangerous?

Dangerous Detox Trends

New Years resolutions of health and wellness are still flying around us like a swarm of bees. Everyone has started the year with great hopes of shedding a few pounds, gaining some new muscle, becoming more Zen, or achieving their overall optimal health. Honestly, in my business, this is the best part of the year. I get to see everyone strive for greatness, exude hopefulness and confidence. 

Unfortunately, with this eagerness comes a bit of misguided information. Many people are wanting to detox to start the year off with a “clean slate”, in hopes of losing a tremendous amount of weight very quickly to gain momentum. When I see people’s posts and hear their stories of jumping straight into detoxing without any preparation, I feel like it’s my responsibility to step in and share some knowledge. 

Many people are not aware of how to safely detoxify. Even many health professionals are not fully aware of how to conduct a detox in a safe yet effective manner. 

In naturopathic medicine, we focus a lot on environmental medicine and the importance of cleansing every year. I completely support the notion of annually or biannually cleansing to keep the toxic load low in the body for optimal health. However, there is an appropriate time and process to perform such a detox. 

How to Safely Detoxify

First of all, eating healthy and avoiding toxins in our everyday lives is something to strive for. Just beginning to eat well isn’t considered a detox (in the technical term). Yes, that will help eliminate the toxic food burden on the body, which is a great start!  But it will not stimulate the liver to utilize phase I and II detox pathways or actively remove toxins from the cells. 

Second, Performing a cleanse every year so you can go back to eating fast-food and sugary drinks on daily basis should not be the goal. The goal should be to make lasting lifestyle changes, so detoxing is easier on your body. 

Think about it this way… the toxic drudge in your body is like a clogged drain. If you throw everything down the sink your drain is bound to get clogged. In order to clear it, you must call in someone that will use tools, suctions, and sometimes heavy machinery to get all of the grimy, greasy, sticky, clumpy, nasty drudge out of the pipes. But, if you did not throw all the food scraps, grease, and whathaveyou down the drain on a daily basis, and instead used it only for the water, soap and occasional crumb; then once a year you could throw some drain-o (or baking soda and vinegar) down the drain to clear it out and avoid ever having to go through the extensive cleansing process. This is where the difference of cleansing and resetting must be explained. 

A full body and/or gut cleanse is much different than a diet and lifestyle reset. A reset would look something like this: 5 day juice fast or vegan diet with clean water and reduced toxin exposures. In contrast, a full body cleanse or detox would include measures to actively pull toxins from your cells and tissues and into your blood stream to then be excreted through your emunctories (detox organs). 

Yes, fresh organic vegetable juices can help the body detox in a way, but not to the extent of what I am speaking of. When drinking only fresh juices for a short time, the body is simply utilizing the antioxidants to combat our daily toxic exposures and replete our nutrient deficiencies. Unfortunately, it’s not until day 4 and 5 when the body might begin to utilize those nutrients from the juice to address the cell toxicity. So resets are great! And they should probably be conducted several times a year, but they are not doing the deep cleaning that most of us need on an annual or biannual basis.

A full body cleanse would include opening up all emunctories and utilizing them daily in various ways. It would be complete avoidance of all known toxic exposures (that is within your control).  In addition, you would take specific supplementation of vitamins, minerals and herbs to aid in the detoxification of the liver, intestines, lymphatics and kidneys. It may also use homeopathics and drainage remedies, as well as physical medicine modalities to stimulate not only the physical, but the emotional detoxification that we all need. On top of all of that, adhering to a strict whole foods diet and clean water is imperative! Adding fresh organic juices to that regimen makes the process much more effective!

Thirdly, in order to be safe, intense detoxification should be conducted in the following manner: 

  1. Preparation week(s) where you identify and eliminate toxic exposures and adapt a clean diet 

  2. Open and utilize emunctories (detox organs)

  3. Use supplementation to support emunctories

  4. Use herbs/supplementation to detoxify and cleanse (toxins and pathogens) while taking additional antioxidants and binders to avoid increased levels and redistribution of toxins and pathogens. 

  5. Reintroduction of foods in an orderly fashion 

  6. Permanent lifestyle changes :) 

Finally, the time of year to perform a full body detoxification cleanse should be chosen wisely. For thousands of years, the spring and the fall have been identified as the most appropriate times to conduct a cleanse. Evidence of this is in the ancient medicine traditions of Ayurveda.  This is due primarily to the status of our endocrine system during these seasons. We want our bodies to be supported during the detox as much as possible, so the process is not too draining.

Ultimately you should leave a detox feeling refreshed and balanced. The safest way to do that is to find a knowledgeable naturopathic doctor to guide you through the process. 

An Effective and Safe Detox Takes Time

The detox may take 6 weeks up to 3 months, maybe even more. It depends on the person’s level of toxicity and how fast they can move into each phase. Someone who is extremely toxic and also overweight, should never aim to lose too much weight too fast. This would release too many toxins at once and the liver may not be able to handle it. In addition, no phase should be skipped and no cleanse should be stopped before finalizing. The reasons are this… 

When certain bacteria, viruses, funguses, etc are killed they release more toxins into the body, causing multiple unpleasant symptoms otherwise known as a herxheimer reaction. This negative experience can be avoided if your cleanse is conducted in the right order and speed in which you can tolerate.

In addition, if you are actively pulling toxins off of the cells and destroying pathogen biofilms (a protective covering for various bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites) then those toxins and pathogens will be actively floating around in your blood or passing through your intestines. If you stop too soon, it is possible for them to redeposit somewhere else in your body. When this occurs, it is not uncommon to feel worse than before you began. Therefor, detoxing should be individualized based on each person’s toxic load and current pathogen status. 

Some important things to keep in mind: 3 months leading up to pregnancy, pregnancy itself and during breastfeeding are not the times to detox. Instead, using avoidance, incorporating fresh organic juices and supplements such as prenatal or multivitamins are the safest way to stay clean and healthy during those times. 

Happy cleansing y’all!

Please consult your doctor for any new programs or treatments you try. I am a doctor, but I am not your doctor. So this article should not be taken as medical advice.